RAMEY LLP announced today that its client, Linfo IP LLC, has initiated legal proceedings against Air Oasis, LLC, regarding infringement of a patent related to data organization technology. The lawsuit was filed on January 17, 2025, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division.
The patent at the center of the dispute is U.S. Patent Nos. 9,430,131U.S. Patent Nos. 9,430,131, which covers a system, methods, and user interface for organizing unstructured data objects. This technology represents a significant innovation in the field of data management and information organization.
Linfo IP LLC, through its counsel RAMEY LLP, is seeking legal relief for the unauthorized use of their patented technology by Air Oasis. The lawsuit underscores the importance of protecting intellectual property rights in the rapidly evolving digital information management landscape. To view full details of the complaint filed click below.
Ramey LLP is a full-service intellectual property law firm working with a national client base from our Houston, Texas office. We are dedicated to enhancing client results through efficient practice management, innovative technologies and the use of skilled professionals.